Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Snowflake Gurl
by Tina c.

Starring out the window,
into the storm
I start to wonder,
Why it's so calm.

Each snowflake falls,
different, but the same.
falling against our faces,
they give me my name - Snowflake Gurl.

No one calls me that,
no one knows.
But that's how I feel,
and nobody knows.
this aloneness can kill.
That's why I'm called - Snowflake Gurl.

Each snowflake falls,
different, but the same.
falling against the faces,
of others with my name - Snowflake Gurl.

All of us seem the same,
But none of us are.
We all share a name,
Even though no one knows.
The time has come,
To know each others name - Snowflake Gurl.

That's my name,
That's how I feel
Different, but the same.
And it makes the aloneness
seem like it could kill.
Me and you together.
even though we're alone.

That's why my name,
Is Snowflake Gurl.


TLC's said...

hey, are you still gonna make that into a song? I though you had worked out a tune? To bad you can't play it and either read the poem or sing it as a song. I'd like that!

Ebbtide said...

I actually came up with a way to turn this poem into THE COOLEST TV show EVER!!! Along the lines of mixing together Cat Woman *Hallie Berrie...Berry...Berri? Whatever*, Alec *X5-494* and maybe a little bit of ... ... ... ... Ummm. American/British humor. ;D. I am still working out the general plotline, but I'm liking the whole thing so far. I'll probably end up writing it.

Speaking of which, my novel is going great and I'm thinking of posting a few chapters here on Seasoned Simile Axiom just to see what people think of it so far. :).